Senior Spotlight - Class of 2024 1.   1. Name: Charlotte Zantello  2. Goals for my future: My goal for the future is to attend SMC and go into a Nursing program.  3. Most memorable Gobles Public Schools memory: My most memorable moment at Gobles would be the middle school dances, CRAZY stuff happened then.  4. The number one skill I am taking with me after graduation is: Having time management, I am always late…  5. What sports, hobbies, and extracurriculars have you participated in in high school? I have done Volleyball, Basketball, and track all 4 years of high school  6. Superpower you wish you had: The ability to read people's minds  7. Favorite restaurant: Noodles in Kalamazoo, Noodles mac n cheese is the best thing I have ever eaten  8. Fun fact about me: I love coffee and I will do anything to get coffee…  9. My advice to future GHS students: Always do your work, it pays off in the end. Junior year is most definitely the worst, but then senior year is relaxing and fun.  10. What I want the community to know about GHS: This school is very spirited and we are all like a huge family.

We are excited to highlight Charlotte Zantello this week in our Senior Spotlight!