Gobles Tiger Clubs & More Image

Gobles Public Schools is excited about the opportunity to add four new clubs to our district. Below is a short description of each club, and contact information for each of them. To help identify interest in the new clubs please complete the following survey. https://forms.gle/KBnoA2y7Z6Nx...


The district added its first club in Dungeons and Dragons at the start of the school year. Dungeons and Dragons is a fantasy tabletop role-playing game. The Gobles D&D club currently has over 19 members and is always looking for more.

Participation Grade: 6-12

Cost: No Cost Participants can buy a Gobles D&D T-Shirt for $20.

Club Meeting Days and Times: Tuesday’s from 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm

Gobles Dungeons and Dragons Club Team contact:

Mr. Merrell - nathaniel.merrell@gobles.org

Please complete the following survey. https://forms.gle/KBnoA2y7Z6Nx...


Participation Grade: 6-12

Cost: $35 student athlete registration fee.

State Tournament (spring season) where everyone can attend. $45 registration fee includes 100 targets, t-shirt and a chance at awards! State finals are held in Mason, MI. National finals are held in Mason, MI, Missouri or Ohio.

$8-10 per round to home club

$20 per round of ammo

50 clay round

Jerseys - $50 Custom Jersey

Roughly $200 per season per athlete, $400 total for spring and fall

Each athlete is responsible to provide their own shotgun


Grants available to offset cost for athletes. Grants will be applied for by a coach.

Fundraising by athletes, coaches and parents

Funded by parents for their athlete

Interested in donating?

Please contact Jeff Pangle -jeffpangle@yahoo.com

All of our team members must have a League issued safety certificate to participate.

Or State issue Firearm certificate (Orange card, hunters safety certificate)

OR USA Clay Target League SAFE Certification

When: Nine-week long season (spring) 6 week long season (fall).

Virtual League- you have from Sunday morning until Saturday night to get your two rounds of 25 shots at our local gun club. Minimal travel, only travel to your gun club each week. Then enter your scores online.

Coaches: 1 coach per 10 team members.

Gobles Sporting Clay and Trap Team contact:

Jeff Pangle - jeffpangle@yahoo.com

Organization: Michigan State High School Clay Target League is part of a National Program: USA High School Clay Target League

1,466 Teams in 34 States

Over 70 Teams in Michigan

Advancement for an athlete’s future is just like any sport. Many colleges have adopted shooting sports into their programs. (Over 40 Colleges nationwide)

Additional information can be found at miclaytarget.com

Please complete the following survey. https://forms.gle/KBnoA2y7Z6Nx...


Participation Grade: 6-12

Cost: Fishing License

Jersey: $50 Custom Jersey

Entry fee for tournaments is $60 per boat.

Funding: Grants available to offset cost for athletes. Grants will be applied for by a coach

Fundraising by athletes, coaches and parents

Funded by parents for their athlete

Interested in donating?

Please contact Jacob Cramer -JacobCramer77@gmail.com


Tournaments start in the month of June and ends in late August.

The tournament series that we would take part in would be West Michigan Bass.

2023 tournament schedule has not yet been released.



2 students are allowed to fish on the same boat. When competing though they need to be in the same division. Ex. High school student fishing with another high school student. We cannot have a high school student fishing on the same boat as a middle school student.

Tournament boat will be operated by the 3rd party, non-angler, adult. The students are not allowed to operate the outboard motor, they are only allowed to operate the trolling motor. The adult will be in charge of the outboard. Life jackets will be worn at all times that the outboard is in use.

Majority of these tournaments are 2 hours away from Gobles minimum so more than likely the team will drive up the day before, scout/practice on that day. Stay that Friday night and fish the tournament on Saturday.

Tournaments start at 7 am and the duration is 8 hours.

Gobles Bass Fishing Team contact:

Jacob Cramer - JacobCramer77@gmail.com

Austin George austinjohngeorge@gmail.com

Please complete the following survey. https://forms.gle/KBnoA2y7Z6Nx...


Participation Grade: 4-12


Jersey $50 Custom Jersey

Funding: Grants available to offset cost for athletes. Grants will be applied for by a coach

Fundraising by athletes, coaches and parents

Funded by parents for their athlete

Interested in donating? Please contact Adam Vosburg -seedhitter2@gmail.com


Organization: NASP Schools – National Archery in the Schools Program (NASP)


The Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) offers the National Archery in the Schools Program (NASP), to schools as a way to introduce target archery in 4th thru 12th grade physical education, science, math, history, or any other class during the school day. The NASP curriculum has been revised to meet Michigan Department of Education standards and grade level expectations for target sport requirements.

The DNR provides interested schools with certification training for teachers and we have partial equipment grants for the equipment kits. This provides an opportunity for all students to participate and makes the school eligible to participate in the NASP Tournaments.

The kit comes with 11 bows, 5 dozen arrows, 1 arrow curtain, 1 bow rack, 5 targets, and 1 maintenance kit.

Gobles Archery Team contact:

Adam Vosburg - seedhitter2@gmail.com

Kody Ketchum - cody@dandrsports.com

Cam Hansen - camh@dandrsports.com

Iain Gildea - iain.m.gildea@gmail.com

Please complete the following survey. https://forms.gle/KBnoA2y7Z6Nx...