School News

Could Gobles Schools Have Its Own Micro Farm?

Micro farming is small-scale, sustainably-minded farming, generally conducted by hand. Micro farms serve different purposes. Our focus would be, first, to provide a unique learning experience for our students that addresses specific curricular needs within our Science, Social Studies and Marketing Departments. Second, to foster greater collaboration between the Gobles Community and Gobles Public Schools.

The possibilities of this endeavor are vast. For example, we may start with vegetables and small livestock. The kids could market what they sell including any meat birds and eggs. The processing of any animals could become a dissection assignment. However, this will not happen without community support.

Those interested in seeing a micro farm established at our school, should contact Gobles Science Teacher, Erin Carlin (  After interest is established, a meeting will be organized for community members to discuss the possibilities and subsequent needs.